We have been away now for 4 weeks and life on the road is becoming more normal.
Daily Routine
Tuesday and Wednesdays are preparation days, we spend time with the players in the gym, on course or on the treatment table doing everything we can to get the players ready for the week of play
- On Game day, the players generally like treatment 2 hours before they tee off, which can be as early as a 4am start for me. Then we will catch up after the round, discuss the highs, lows, how the body felt and what we can do tomorrow.
Exercise Programs
We use the same foundational screens as we use for everyone that comes through Vitality looking for a comprehensive exercise program. As the players are mobile and strong, we have to add quite a few specific exercises to challenge them, but not fatigue them too much for game day. Feel free to email me back for a copy of there warm up programs.
The off time
So far we have enjoyed the time not working too. After all, why travel the world not to see any of the countries. From rooftop pools, sand boarding, water parks, playing the tour courses, sand courses and night golf.
We continue to build a great network with the tour physios, Osteos and Chiros.
Continuing to learn from the best: yesterday we explored the 500million dollar facility at Education City Golf Club. They had the GEARS system, a floor that would tilt, state of the putting assessment, force plates and so much more. A golfers heaven.
Seeing what gear the pros use is great information to bring back home.
Our Osteos at home
James and will are continuing to do a great job representing Vitality Golf Pefrormance from home. Remember to book in here